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The type, size, and weight of airsoft bbs are very important to the game. Having the wrong airsoft bb could possibly damage your gun. They are enhancing airsoft bbs all the time, and are coming out with new ones. You do not only have one type of airsoft bb you can choose from there are multiple including: biodegradable, tracers, paintballs, and markers. Imagine playing airsoft, and when you get hit by a bb paint explodes on you. It would most likely catch you by surprise, and it adds enjoyment to the game. The typical airsoft bb ranges from 5.93-5.98 mm in diameter, and are made of plastic. Some guns require a 8 mm bb.
Biodegradable bbs are very nice when playing in the outdoors. It requires no clean up! Many outdoor places require you to use biodegradable bbs, where clean up is not possible. Regular airsoft bbs pollute the air, and will stay there for 100s of years. This is a new addition to airsoft, but paintball has been using biodegradable materials for years now.
Tracers are a BB that glows in the dark. If you are playing a night game, and people are using tracers it would look like a bunch of glowing spheres flying through the air. Wouldn't this be neat to see? It works with a device that "charges" the bb when leaving the barrel. The device flashes them with bright light, which causes them to glow. The device is usually hidden. It can sometimes look like a silencer on the gun, or hidden in the magazine.
Paint-filled BBs are very similar to the ammo used in paintball guns. One bad thing about using this is that some manufactures void the warranty of the gun if these are used in them. Airsoft guns with the hop-up systems are unable to use these in there gun. There is a possibility of them exploding in your gun. Also airsoft guns with mechanized feed systems are unable to use paintballs.
The newest airsoft BB they came out with is the markers. They leave a small on the target when hit. The BBs are coated with a powder. This would eliminate the possibility of people staying in the game when hit.
Airsoft is constantly coming out with new things that improve the game. In the future there will be no way of cheating, when hit with an airsoft bb. They will leave a noticeable mark on you, that enables people to tell that you have been hit.