Airsoft Spring Gun:
The airsoft spring gun is usually the cheapiest of the three different kinds of airsoft guns. It can get expensive if the airsoft gun runs a high FPS. Many airsoft snipers are spring-loaded. They are also very simple to use, and are very durable. They don't require much maintence. Before every shot a spring gun must be cocked, which isn't very good if your in an airsoft battle. The main advantage of these types of guns is that you don't have to worry about running out of an external source, such as gas, battery, or air. A good example of an airsoft spring gun would be an Airsoft UTG Type 96
Black Sniper with Scope.

Airsoft Gas Gun:
The airsoft gas gun is run on pressurized gas that is used to propel BBs. Out of the three categories this is probably the most powerful gun. The two most used gases to propel the BBs are green gas and HFC-134a, and some less common gases that are used are red gas, nitrogen, and CO2. Some airsoft gas guns require more powerful gases, so when buying make sure you know. If you use the wrong type of gas it could be harmful to your gun. Airsoft gas guns have some features like adjustable velocities, and blowback features. It can even be turned into semi-automatic and automatic guns. Most of airsoft gas guns are pistols, but there are still other types of guns that are run on gas. An good example of a gas airsoft gun is the Marushin 8mm M500 Shotgun.

Electric Airsoft Gun:
Electric airsoft guns were developed in Japan, and are the most used airsoft gun. They are run by an electric motor that propels the BBs outward. Usually a rechargeable battery is used to power the electric motor. There are many different types of electric airsoft guns including: automatic (AEGs), hybrid, low powered (LPEGs), blowback (EBBs), mini, and pistols (AEP).These types of guns are good for close combat airsoft battle. They can have a rate of fire of 1000 per minute. A good example of an electric airsoft gun is the M15A4 Rifle.
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