Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Airsoft Gun Safety

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It is very important to be safe if you are playing with airsoft guns. They are not just toys. They are made to have fun with, but while using them you must also be safe. If you follow these simple guide lines you can have a safe airsoft battle, and still have fun with it.

  1. First off every gun comes with an orange tip that the manufactures put on. This shows that the gun is not real. This orange tip must never be removed by the owner or anyone else.
  2. When firing the gun you should always know what your target is. When not firing the gun the safety should always be on. Treat it like a real weapon for there could always be people walking around you without eye protection, or the proper safety gear.
  3. When trying to protect your face from flying bbs at the least you should wear safety glasses. The safest the thing would be to wear a full face mask. This not only protects your eyes, but your entire face.
  4. The BBs fired from airsoft guns are plastic and hard. When playing you should at least wear a long sleve shirt and pants for long distance combat. This will minimize the sting of the BB to almost nothing. Once the BB travels 100 feet out of the gun the velocity significantly goes down, and will usually just bounce off the target. For close combat I would use a tactical vest and gloves. This close up the velocity of the BB is much higher, and will sting alot more. Gloves are often seen as unimportant, but getting hit in the hand can sting more than most parts of your body.
If you are a begginer in airsofting I would suggest buying a cheap and simple gun at first. A lot of people just start out with an airsoft spring pistol. These guns will not have near as much velocity as an electric or gas gun. As you become more experienced I would reccomend moving up to more of an expensive gun.


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