Thursday, November 19, 2009

Airsoft Vs. Paintball

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Whether paintball or airsoft is better, no one will ever know. It is highly debated across the world. They are very similar, but paintball is known for its fast pace of the game and the hard hits of the paint balls. Playing airsoft relies more on team strategy and tactics.
The difference between the guns are quite different. Airsoft guns are highly popular because they are very realistic replicas of real military weapons. They are also a little cheaper than paintball guns. One of the main differences between a paintball gun and an airsoft gun is that a paintball gun has a hopper, where the paintballs are poured in. Airsoft guns use clips which look more realistic than the hoppers. Unloading and loading clips make it an easy process. Extra clips are very light to carry, unlike carrying big cylinders full of paintballs.
To start paintballing or airsofting it costs around the same price. In the long run paintballing is going to be more expensive. Airsoft BBs are alot less expensive than paintballs. Also it would cost alot more to get a paintball gun fixed than a airsoft gun. After initially buying the gun everything else for both sports is relatively cheap. Airsoft guns have a lonnger range than paintball guns. Airsoft guns usually average between 250fps to 600fps.
The ammo used in the game is paintballs and 6 mm airsoft BBs. These games are usually played in woods or in an open field. If you are playing in a woods a paintball will have a good chance of breaking going through bushes. An airsoft BB is so small the probability of it going through all the brush is pretty good.
Airsoft guns are more accurate, so airsoft games end much quicker. Players would easily be able to see a paintball coming and duck out of the way. An airsoft BB is way to small to see coming traveling that fast, and would be almost impossible to avoid.
Airsoft guns are a lot easier to move around with. They are lighter than paintball guns. Paintball guns are hard to manoeuvre with because they usually have a CO2 tank hanging off the back of the gun. The hopper on a paintball gun can also easily get in the way.
When playing paintball it is very easy to see when a player is hit because the paintball explodes all over them. When a player gets hit in airsoft it is very hard to tell unless they have a mark. Players must be honest when playing airsoft because there is no way of telling if you get hit or not. They do have airsoft BBs in paintball form, that do explode when you are hit. These are rarely used.
Whether you like to paintball or airsoft it is just an opinion of what you like. Both have there advantages and disadvantages.


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